Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CBP 1.5

Ok so now i think i know where i want to go with this. So, here are some pictures of the setup for it.

the tank: 24 1/2 oz
Sea rocks
A sea shell
simple octopus decoration
plants (of course)
Air pump set on very very low.


  1. Very cool!

    I'm in the process of setting up a collection of every kind of brine I can get my hands on. The biggest challenge so far has been figuring out how to heat 6 tiny tanks, but I think I've got it figured. :)

    I look forward to seeing how your tanks progress!

  2. Neat! would be awesome to see some pics. what kind of heater do you use?

  3. I'm running a heating cable through gravel in an enclosed box. here's where it's at currently - I wound up ordering the cable online, and am waiting for it to arrive.

    The warmed enclosure will heat the tanks, as well as keep my cats out of them. (Mostly, they've ignored everything in tanks thus far, but I think that's because all of my tanks have been kept on the shelf above the sink in the kitchen, where the cats don't explore much.)
